Answers about Cancer

Is Amphyl carcinogenic?

Amphyl, an antimicrobial agent, is not known to be carcinogenic. It is considered safe for use in disinfectants and cleaning products when used according to the manufacturers’ instructions.

Do cancer cells have MHC?

Yes, cancer cells can have major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules, which play a role in immune recognition. However, cancer cells can also downregulate the expression of MHC molecules, to make them camouflaged from the immune system, averting the antigen presentation or manipulating the structure of the MHC molecules; like altering the peptide binding affinity, which can inhibit the presentation of the cancer-associated antigens.

What are tumor cells monoclonal kappa light chain positive?

These are tumor cells that stem from a single lymphocyte or plasma cell. The kappa light chain is a constituent of the structure of an antibody; monoclonal signifies “single type”. Thus, these are tumor cells that collectively breed the same antibody structure; which means they are all formed from a single tumor cell that originally made this antibody structure.

Does baking soda kills cancer cells in human body?

No scientific evidence corroborates the claim that baking soda can kill cancer cells in the human body. It is suggested to rely on proven medical treatments and consult a healthcare professional for appropriate cancer treatment options.

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